OK, so I am not so great at updating this blog! I am going to aim to do a seasonal post, and if I get to more, bonus! When I am not editing or ordering, I like to be off the computer with the fam or cleaning the house (not as much fun as the family, but necessary!) Anyway, here are a few of my favorite photos from late Spring through now. Enjoy!
This first couple and baby were so great! Little baby G was such a good baby for his shoot and what a beautiful pregnant woman.

What a great daddy!

I have been photographing little L way before she was even born. She is just so cute and is blessed to have such great parents too!

I am so enjoying shooting high school seniors more and more. What a smile on this one!

Need I say more!! Love the princess look mixed with the old brick and grafitti. This was done at one of my new favorite locations (mums the word)! I have also photographed this family before and it was great to work with them again.

This was a first for me, their kids did not talk or move, how easy! Just kidding, this couple was awesome. They have been married for a long time, but you would think they were newlyweds, I wanted to know their secret! Their babies, their beautiful bikes. They were inspiring.

Another high school senior at my new favorite location. You would have thought I distressed that paint myself to blend with his shirt and eyes! What a genunie young man (I feel old) to work with.

OK, how cute are this mom and daughter! Her first girl after three boys. Her youngest boy below was so cooperative and had me do the "chicken dance" (for all you regulars, you would know what this is!) plenty of times. He made me laugh. The whole family was so great to photograph, we had lots of laughing.

Those blue eyes!!